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Extension project "Circling Theater Workshop - Workshop Theater for young people with mental disorders"

Coordination: Adriana Bonfatti and Joana Ribeiro da S. Tavares


The Circulando Theater Workshop project was implemented in March 2013 at the UNIRIO Theater School, through theater workshops for young people suffering from mental disorders (autistic and psychotic). In 2014, the project started offering workshops for their companions and family members. Developed at an inter-institutional level, it establishes a partnership with the project “Circling and drawing bonds and partnerships: care for autistic and psychotic youngsters - from the drive circuit to the social bond”, coordinated by Profa. Dr. Ana Beatriz Freire and by Prof. Dr. Fabio Malcher Martins de Oliveira from the Institute of Psychology at UFRJ. It integrates students from UNIRIO's Escola de Teatro and Instituto Villa Lobos with students from UFRJ's Psychology Institute. The project prepares a fertile ground for interdisciplinary actions between the areas of Arts and Mental Health. It promotes a partnership between the Departments of Interpretation to which it is linked and of Theater Education, through supervised curricular internships, completion of coursework for students and also research in the postgraduate sphere, reiterating the inseparability of teaching , search and extension. It works in professional training, promoting the insertion of students in institutions that work with rehabilitation and special education. The Circulando Theater Workshop project has been growing in academia, both because of the demand from the benefited community and the expression of interest from the students and faculty, who are increasingly interested in the issue of university accessibility for people in situations of social vulnerability. The results include the research, production and dissemination of knowledge in arts/special education in close dialogue with the Mission of UNIRIO, aiming at a humanist, critical and reflective formation, committed to improving the living conditions of society.

Keywords: Theater; Special education; Accessibility; Autism


YouTube channel:

Instagram: @projeto.circulando



  • BONFATTI, Adriana, TAVARES, Joana. “Circulating Theater Workshop: Theater workshop for young people with mental disorders”. Rio de Janeiro: UNIRIO/SIA, 2017.

  • FREIRE, Ana Beatriz and MALCHER, Fabio (org.). Circulating: young people and their inventions in autism and psychosis. Rio de Janeiro: Subverses, 2014.

  • TAVARES, Joana Ribeiro da Silva. Circulando – A space for young people with mental disorders. Belo Horizonte: ABRACE/UFMG, 2014.

  • VARGAS, Aline and GUIMARAENS, Caito. Theater with autists: experience at the Teatro Project Circulando Theater. Circulating: young people and their inventions in autism and psychosis. FREIRE, Ana Beatriz and MALCHER, Fabio (org.). Rio de Janeiro: Subverses, 2014.

Course Completion Papers - TCC

  • BATOS, Leonardo. [great] contrabands of the Flow of the World. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO. Advisor: Marina Henriques Coutinho, 2017.

  • GONZALEZ, Tavie de Miranda Ribeiro. The non-method as a method in the Circulando Theater Workshop - an experience in teaching theater to young people with mental disorders. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO. Advisor: Joana Ribeiro da S. Tavares, 2014.

  • SALLES, Nathalia Katsivalis. Circling between theater experiences: a theater workshop for autistic young people. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO. Advisor: Joana Ribeiro da S. Tavares, 2014.

  • SILVA, Janaína Rita Baptista da. Re-signifying the “debris” of a forgotten subject: memory and narrative in a theater teaching experience in the extension project “Circulating with autists”. Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO. Advisor: Marina Henriques Coutinho, 2018.

  • VARGAS, Aline Rangel. And who educates, what learns? Completion of course work. (Degree in Theater) - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro/UNIRIO. Advisor: Lucia Helena de Freitas (Gyata), 2013.

  • VIANNA, Luisa. Theater and Autism. A journalistic and artistic experience in the Theater Workshop of the Circulando project. Completion of course work. (Graduation in Social Communication - Journalism) - Fluminense Federal University/UFF. Advisor: Denise Tavares da Silva, 2016.

Awards in the Academic Integration Week (SIA)

  • 2018 Academic Integration Week

  • 2017 Academic Integration Week

  • Academic Integration Week 2016

Projeto “Coletivo Brincante Matuba - Criações e investigações cênicas entre tradições e contemporaneidades”

Coordenação: Juliana Manhães


O “Coletivo Matuba” surgiu em 2014, a partir do movimento dos estudantes da Escola de Teatro e Música da UNIRIO, como necessidade de o universo acadêmico dialogar com os saberes das tradições afro-diaspóricas e de povos originários inseridos na grade curricular dos cursos. Em desdobramento e ação contínua, os Laboratórios NEPAA (Núcleo de Estudos de Performances Afro-Ameríndias) e o LABAM (Laboratório Artes do Movimento), acolheram a diversidade destas performances culturais, com suas epistemologias e pedagogias, acreditando na importância da cultura brasileira na universidade.
O projeto mantém ações como as “Rodas Brincantes” (rodas mensais que acontecem no espaço da universidade), “Rolés Matubas” (que acontecem em diversos espaços de saberes tradicionais fora da universidade); e dialoga com a disciplina optativa “Laboratório de Danças Populares” do Bacharelado em Atuação Cênica.


Palavras-chave: Danças Populares; Tradições afro-diaspóricas; Povos Originários; Teatro.



Canal no YouTube:

Criação Audiovisual Performática:

Curso Encontro de Saberes: Sotaques do Bumba meu boi do Maranhão em parceria com a Cultura da UNIRIO:

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